Family Health Melas

It has been observed that due to lack of awareness regarding contraception and contraceptive practices amongst unprivileged people result in frequent pregnancies which in turn leads to poor health of mother, neonate, infant and child. Family Health Mela (community gatherings) are conducted once in a month at Union Council level where health indicators are low. So for 143 family health melas have been organized (Aug to Dec-2019) against the overall annual target of 348.

Melas have been proving to be a success story as all stakeholders viz. AAP Sectors, NGOs, CBOs gather under one platform to covey message regarding birth-spacing, stunting and wasting. These festivals have been given due importance by District Management. 9,600 clients out of 30,000 participants in these melas have sought Family planning services including 2,197 Married Women of Reproductive Age (MAWRA) who have been given Long Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs) implants and Jaddelle thereby birth spacing 5 to 10 years.