Launch of SBCC Toolkit in Sindhi and Urdu

Social and Behavior Change Communication Toolkit (nutrition specific) launched in Karachi under Accelerated Action Plan for Reduction of Stunting and Malnutrition(AAP). Mr Christopher Aaron Goldren, Regional Director of Action Against Hunger (ACF) based in France, attended the event and handed over the toolkit to Mr Mohammad Yousif Shaikh, Deputy Program Coordinator AAP, Provincial Task Force Secretariat for Nutrition, Planning & Development Department, Government of Sindh for its implementation across Sindh. The toolkit is available in Sindhi and Urdu, and it has been developed in consultation with all stakeholders under European Union funded program PINS-02 in collaboration with Government of Sindh. The toolkit consist of 28 cards, divided into five sessions, dealing with prioritized behaviors of mothers and communities. The main themes of the toolkit include identification, prevention, and treatment of malnutrition, diet and health care of pregnant and lactating mothers(PLW), mother and child care after delivery, children’s diet, lastly personal and environmental hygiene.